Sunday, November 21, 2010

How can I change my monitor settings to avoid dead pixels?

The right-hand 1/6 of my computer monitor is completely dead. All that's there is a solid chunk of blue pixels and when I move my mouse over there it disappears behind it. Is there a way I can set my monitor to only display on the 5/6 of my monitor that's working? Here's a drawing to illustrate what my monitor looks like:



l_________llllll%26lt;- Dead space


l_________llllllHow can I change my monitor settings to avoid dead pixels?
The only thing I could see happening is changing alignment of screen, i.e. move display right, strech picture, move right strech, etc... It may work, it may not, never tried it.How can I change my monitor settings to avoid dead pixels?
It seemed like you can't. It is because even you will set a custom resolution your monitor will tend to squeeze the area to match all the screen. Changing your screen resolution will only affect the size of the pixels instead of ignoring a specific part of the monitor.
If your monitor is connected via DVI(wide white connector) this can happen. It once happened to me exactly the same way, only that it wasn't 1/6 of the screen. It was like 2 mm of pink pixels. Try switching to the old analog style connector(smaller blue connector) and see if that changes anything.

If the problem persists then you need to take the display to a service for warranty. The warranty usually covers for anything in excess of 3 dead pixels, witch is barely visible. In your case they will surely replace the unit.
Some LCDs let you move the image around, you would need to use the buttons on the screen itself to see if you can.

You might also be able to adjust where the screen is displayed using your video card drivers.

I think you should just buy a new monitor, they are so cheap nowadays that it makes no sense to keep a screen that broken.

Gmail help- it's too big.?

I've had this happen to my desktop before, and all you have to do to fix it is change resolution or pixels or something similar. However, my cat decided to sit on my laptop while I was out the room, and my gmail tab in Firefox was open. Now everything in gmail, the whole page, is too...big. Does anyone know how to fix this?Gmail help- it's too big.?
If you use Firefox, click Control and minus or Shift and minus.

I use the No Squint plugin so it's Control and Minus, but I think it's Cntl + - without that.

That would make sense if it's only the one page that is too big.

Good luckGmail help- it's too big.?
Try to close browser and reopen it. If problem is there go to tools on the top right of window bar and select the zoom you want it at.
Yes, your cat zoomed into the page, i would hit Ctrl + 0 or go under the view menu, click zoom and hit reset.

How to set width and height in a java applet?

I was wondering how to change the width and height in a java applet. Right now the width and height are at the default size of 500 pixels. I want to change them and was wondering if there was a command like setHeight(int x); or something that would do that...How to set width and height in a java applet?
You change the width and height in the applet tag in the code for the web page.

%26lt;applet code=';%26lt;the name of your file%26gt;.class'; width=800 height=600%26gt;%26lt;/applet%26gt;How to set width and height in a java applet?
Of course there is a setHeight(int x) in the actuall Applet class.

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On another note. You might have to use an %26lt;object%26gt; tag instead of the %26lt;applet%26gt; tag, as the applet tag has been deprecated.

This page will provde info on the %26lt;object%26gt; tag

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Continued from the above comment.

This page should give you the classid for use with an applet and various other things in the %26lt;object%26gt; tag.

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Possibly draw a 1 px Line at the very top of x Pixels wide, same applies to the side

Photoshop: is it possible...?

to remove all the pixels of a certain color from a picture or to change all the pixels of a certain color to a different color? if so how?

e.g. lets say you have a high contrast picture of a girl's silhuoette. the only colors in it are red and black. can you make all the red ones green or something?Photoshop: is it possible...?
yes just select the area in question and use hue saturation to change the colour

Anything is possible in Photoshop - you just need to watch a youtube demo to see how to do it.Photoshop: is it possible...?
You can add a gradient map to change the colours.
you can do that via color levels and lowering increasing the color. although im no pro so i dunno if thats possible, but hey its photoshop, it can do the impossible!!

we just have to find out a way to do it.

a gradient overlay would also work but its harder and it changes the ALL the colors globally. try getting into channels.
Select By Color Range and use the Fuzziness Slider. Use a layer adjustment to change the color.

How do I change a tiny image size (not pixel size) of a scanned picture so it up/downloads as a larger image?

I scanned some pictures and tried to upload them to a web site - the image is so tiny you can barely see it - The pixel size is large enough (1700 x 2200) and I can change the image size for other applications (i.e. email) but I can't seem to change it for for up-loading to a website. Any help would be appreciated. thanksHow do I change a tiny image size (not pixel size) of a scanned picture so it up/downloads as a larger image?
Perhaps the image is being resized by the page that is hosting it. Review the underlying HTML of your page. The size-parameters for the image, if they are different from the image itself, will be noted there. You can also try a ';save as'; operation on your hosted image, and compare the image-size of the original with the image you download.How do I change a tiny image size (not pixel size) of a scanned picture so it up/downloads as a larger image?
crop the picture

Hi Im using Xara Xtreme to make a web page and I want to bring in a photo using the templates.?

The picture that I have was taken by a D SLR so the pixel size is pretty big. But for the picture to fit the pixels have to be 460x345. Though when I do re size it to fit the pixel size wont change and when i preview I cant see the whole picture.

If you know how to fix this problem then please help meHi Im using Xara Xtreme to make a web page and I want to bring in a photo using the templates.?
With XaraXtreme if you drag a photo in but you don't see the whole pic try this buttons (screenshot):

Resizing you better do BEFORE dragging it into XX with this free software or just with Windows Paint, then it works more easy in Xara

How can i change the size of my picture to 175x50 pixels?

i need to do it for an online sim gameHow can i change the size of my picture to 175x50 pixels?
1. Open Paint Program .

2.Then Drag Image in to The Pint.

3.Click In Menu On Image .

4 Select Attributes Or ( CTRL+ E)

5.AND Set the Size Of Ur Picture .

Hope Its Help Full 2 U %26amp; easy .,......................