Sunday, November 21, 2010

My pictures are suddenly very large in size (bytes) on my computer and I don't know why?

I have been taking pictures with a regular Canon Elf 5 megapixel camera and sending out the pictures to friends/family throught the internet by email. Suddenly they came back at me as ';undeliverable'; because the size of the attachents were too big. I discovered that before my picutes were around 160kb. and so sending 10 pictures were no problem. Suddenly I noticed that the pictures in my ';MY DOCUMENT'; folder were now 1.3MB or 10 times the size in memory. I don't think I changed the pixel size on my camera to superfine ( I don't think I know how even). Is it possible that something on my computer somehow told it to be 1.3MB in size by default? Somekind of program? I downloaded Adobe Photoshop around the time it started doing it but I can't see why that would have an effect.My pictures are suddenly very large in size (bytes) on my computer and I don't know why?
there is a setting on your camera that you can change the size of the pictures.. you probably changed it by mistake,, Mine when I change the setting to smallest pictures I can take 800 pictures, when I change it to the max. I can only take 70 or so...My pictures are suddenly very large in size (bytes) on my computer and I don't know why?
Your photo-shop program should give you the means to make them smaller. and make sure before you send them out they are converted to JPegs. Do a little reading about you Photo shop program. It sounds like that you are sending out Bitmaps instead of JPegs.

If you can't fix the problem with the program you have, go to Google and download their free Picasa2 program and use that one to reduce and send your photos via e-mail.

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